Setting File Locations

System paths specify the default locations for files such as EFT, backups and so on. This page is for information only – if changes are required, your Support or Training Consultant will work through this screen with you.

  1. From the Navigator go to Security | System preferences.
    The System Preferences screen opens.
  2. Click on the Paths tab.
  3. Complete the following information as required:

Field Explanation
Local Working Folders
Work This is the default folder where payroll will save files generated by payroll. You may specify any location which is convenient for you, and ensure that you have full read/write access. Files created in this location include:
  • EFT files
  • End of year ATO files
  • PAYG declarations
  • Centrelink earnings verification and ongoing earnings reports.
Documents This folder contains printable training documents which can be used to familiarise yourself with the payroll process in payroll
Spooling The spooling folder is used to temporarily store certain files, for example an attachment to an email.
Server Working Folders
Active Alias This is the directory where the current active database is stored. This information is set at the time of registering the database. If you wish to edit it, you must edit the database connection.
Server Name This is the name of the server where the program is installed. If it is installed on your PC, this will be 'Local', otherwise it will show the name of the server. This information is set at the time of registering the database. If you wish to edit it, you must edit the database connection.
UNC Path This is the actual location of the current database. If your database is stored on the file server then this is the logical path on the server, i.e. the server drive where the database is stored and not the local machine drive. This information is set at the time of registering the database. If you wish to edit it, you must edit the database connection (via the HR3pay icon). The UNC path is also the location of the 'last copy' database which is an extra protection in case of failure of both the primary database and backup files. Contact the support team for more information.
Backup All backups generated will be stored in this location. This includes both payroll and system backups. The path specified is relative to the server specified. For example the path in the image above, C:\Backup is on the users local PC because the server specified is local. If any other server is specified, then C:\Backup will be on the server itself, not the user's PC.
  1. Once you have entered all the required information, click Apply.

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